January (Burns Night) Log Blog

Burns Night, 25th January 2019, has been celebrated in the Lapraik household with chicken fajitas and a log fire. Many people ask me where the name Lapraik comes from, as it is unusual. It usually surprises people to learn that it has a Scottish origin. The name goes back a long way, and it seems that one of my ancestors, John Lapraik, a farmer and poet was friends with Robert Burns, and they used to hang out together, so I occasionally reflect on that on Burns Night, over a fajita! I would like to think that my ancestor from the eighteenth century would recognise my new lifestyle a bit, ambling through semi-ancient woodland looking for firewood…perhaps!?

I have been getting out meeting new customers in Felpham, Lavant and Bury this month, and enjoying hearing people’s satisfaction with the quality, quantity and size of the logs which come from the woodland. I have some oak in the mix at the moment which I have used at home, and am very impressed by its slow burning qualities. Larch continues to be my favourite though with its sweet smell, russet red bark and interesting grain patterns, plus it cuts and burns very well.

So far (and the months not out yet!) I have happened upon two broken down vehicles seemingly arriving just at the right time to help people out of sticky, stressful situations. The first was an elderly driver, 94 years of age, with a friend on their way back from lunch, which I drove back home to Arundel. Luckily the truck had space for all the equipment that comes with a 94 year old! Me and the truck also came to the rescue, just yesterday, when I found one of my customers stranded on the A27! This rescue required towing their car to a nearby pub where they were able to wait for some professional assistance!